This link can be used if you need to find out what time it is anywhere in the world or if
you need to say schedule a meeting with participants from New York, Santiago, and Osaka.
A very quick translator that I use to translate Japanese into English in order to get the
gist of a message.
When you have 15+ typhoons a season, you might want to track their course; this is the site
for that.
A nice set of online dictionaries including dictionaries on American English, Idioms, Advanced
Learners, Phrasal Verbs.
Links of interest to teachers and researchers
The Collins WordbanksOnline English corpus is made up of 56 million words of written
and spoken text. A demonstration versions is available at this site along with a collocation program.
The Compleat Lexical Tutor, is a one stop site for vocabulary work/research and even
has a copy of The Call of the Wild that you can listen to while you read it.
The Vocabulary profiler will take a text and break it down by word frequency (the most
frequent 1000 words,the most frequent 1001 - 2000 words,the Academic Word List and so on.
The Speech Accent Archive was set up to "to uniformly exhibit a large set of speech
accents from a variety of language backgrounds." You can see it here.
Xanedu is a site that will prepare course packs for teachers.
Purdue University's Online Writing Lab provides online information on writing, research,
grammar, and MLA and APA style.
Randall's ESL Cyber Listening Lab is one of the best places for students to practice
listening to English.
Research Knowledge Base is a comprehensive site on social research methods.
A link to search scholarly literature
Class related links for Osaka Jogakuin College
Topic Studies III/Studies of Current World Events
The Pacific Century and Asian Women
Access Criterion, an online writing evaluation service
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This site was created on September 11, 2006. © Steve Cornwell, 2006.